Archive | May, 2013

Anatomy of a Life of a North Fork

7 May

Anatomy of a Life of a North Fork Local Yokel Cash Cow


How fresh and fat in the field of dreams.   Chewing the cud is hard work just like cleaning the swimming pool and cracking your knuckles.  I know.  Lets clean the car and get it all spotless for that fat cow you going to try and impress on a date tonight.  But the cow just wants something real to eat.  Like the cud.Edit

Anatomy of Hurricane Sandi

7 May

Anatomy of Hurricane Sandi

Hurricane Sandi wrecked a whole bunch of lawns especially when the water brought the sand up onto the lawns.


At the end of the day look west.

7 May

At the end of the day look west.

Everyday its the same thing. I finish working and begin my drive back home and I am reminded how beautiful and peaceful our lives can be if we take a moment to reflect and just look. No more talking.


Anatomy of a Life in the Clouds

7 May

Anatomy of a Life in the Clouds

All my life I have felt like I am a person of the universe.
I found the best country in the universe on the best planet….. America.


Anatomy of a Life on Eastern Long Island traveling between the North and South Forks

7 May

Anatomy of a Life on Eastern Long Island traveling between the North and South Forks

The sun is setting in all its beauty. The sun has set on the relationship with the person who thinks the grass is always greener on the other side and will never change under the day he dies. And on that day he might not even see the beauty of the sun setting because he will be in so much pain because he ended up becoming a slave to his doctor who feeds him his pharmaceuticals.


What does it me…

7 May

What does it mean to have failed relationships? What does it mean to be unable to communicate successfully with someone whom you really want to share a relationship? Why would that person just close down? I think I know the answer to that question. They don’t want to be with you anymore. They have a different plan that doesn’t include you. But they are hedging their bets. Keeping you on the back burner because you suspect they have their sights set on someone else and are not sure it is going to work out so the person has not got the courage, ethics or honesty to settle the score. Instead you hang on thinking maybe the relationship will resume they way it was. Maybe the relationship will go back to the beginning when it was loving and you both couldn’t wait to spend time together. But it doesn’t ever go like that. He gets dumped by whoever he thought he could get so he is still stuck with you, treating you unfairly, and with no morality. This is a question of respecting another human being’s right not to be cheated on and to be treated with honesty about his or her preference for someone else on this planet. At a certain age, especially after 50 years, nobody is ever going to be good enough.


Anatomy of a Life in the Clouds

7 May

Anatomy of a Life in the Clouds

We are all a part of the planet earth. We can live anywhere we want and we have the power to create the opportunity to change our lives if we are fearless. I decided to change my life in live in a few different countries and experience different cultures. I think I love my country. I love being an American. I think America is civilized and helps people help themselves.
I am happy I could travel in clouds and decide where to land and spend half my life so far.